WRBA Work Projects - 2020

Each membership in White River Beach Association is expected to spend at least 4 hours a year working on communal projects.  The memberships are responsible for notifying the Treasurer of hours spent, preferably before the end of each calendar year.  The Association bills each membership not performing (or reporting) their work at a current rate of $12.50 per hour.  The list below includes some of the activities that qualify towards the membership’s minimal responsibilities.  Please check with the Board if there is a question about an activity counting as communal work.

·         Lodge cleaning – typically done as a group effort Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, the Saturday following July 4, Annual Meeting Saturday, and Labor Day weekend Saturday.  The cleaning begins around 10:00 am.  Please provide the Treasurer receipts for any cleaning supplies required.  If there are any questions, Karen Kafantaris  is the chair of the Lodge Committee.

·         Meetings and related activities of committees constituted by the Board of Directors or by membership resolution. 

·         Water system turn-on, shut-off, testing, repair, or supervision/coordination of vendors working on the water system.  Turn-on is usually begins at 11:00 am on the third Saturday in April and shut-off on the Saturday following Columbus Day.

·         Maintenance activities.  Please report expenses with receipts to the Treasurer.  Some of the currently needed maintenance includes:

o   Replacement of rotted boards on the ramp steps

o   Power washing and staining the lodge deck and ramp steps.

o   Repair of handrails on the central ramp where necessary.

o   Cutting back and/or removing invasive from the field (autumn olive and multiflora rose).

o   Road maintenance, usually involves supervising a vendor doing work, but getting out there with a rake, shovel, and/or wheelbarrow to fill potholes

o   Assisting in taking down dead trees in common areas.

o   Cleaning the beach of litter and unpleasant things washed up.

·         Preparation for scheduled potlucks on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, Annual Meeting Saturday, and Sunday of Labor Day weekend (held at 7:00 pm), including setup, teardown and the like.  Chair of the Potluck Committee is Cathy Keresztesi.

·         Board of Directors service.

·         Efforts to stem beach erosion such as groin or seawall repair.  (Hopefully this will not be necessary anytime in the near future).